Rumah Kaca

Rumah Kaca (English: GlassHouse) is my last shot in 2011.

CM7 Android 2.3.7
Custom theme by me
MIUILauncher by Vipitus
Page indicators mod by me
Notification Bubble mod by me using BubbleBadge by kevins555 [link]
Chronotopia mod (date) by me using mmtnns flatewhite background [link]
GlasklartHD Icon [link]
FancyWidgetPro with Glasklart Weather icon mod by me

Chronotopia mod (Clock) by me using Chrisbank’s Glassclock bg [link]
Chronotopia mod (Battery line) by me [link]
GlassyPullit WidgetLocker theme by me [link]

Wanna have this theme on your MIUI Launcher? Download here [link] *mirror not welcome!

Happy New Year everyone, wish you all the best!
See you in 2012 😉

29 thoughts on “Rumah Kaca

  1. mantep gan…bisa share statusbar backgroundx gak?? trus klo cara masukin icon glaskart di adw gmn yah gan?? ane pke apk mnager gk mudeng…hehhe

    • cek email dan baca notenya ya gan.
      gw blm pernah cb edit adw theme.apk. tapi logikanya sih bisa. donlod dulu apk adw theme apa aja dr market> extract pake apk manager> replace icon2 yg ada disitu dg icon yg agan mau, tp nama filenya hrs ttp sama. just give it try 😉

  2. gan m’nanya nich,.. biar pure music/music mod bisa tampilin cover, penyanyi ama judul lagux gimana yach..??? ane dah nyoba install music mod pas udah tampil di HS cma muncul unknown…

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