LS Aludra (for MiLocker and WidgetLocker)

This is it..LS Aludra for MiLocker and WidgetLocker 😀

Download here for MiLocker [link] *mirror not welcome!
Download here for WidgetLocker [link] *mirror not welcome!
Download PSD for WLtheme (clock background) [link] *mirror not welcome!

*for MDPI only (HDPI/LDPI untested)

Enjoy 😀

40 thoughts on “LS Aludra (for MiLocker and WidgetLocker)

    • klo yg utk MiLocker jamnya dah include sm themenya.
      klo yg utk WLtheme, gw pake minimalistictext utk date/time nya, backgroundnya jamnya gw embedded di wallpaper yg mau gw pake.
      makanya itu gw kasih psd utk clock background di Wltheme.
      kalo pake mclock/chrono emang gitu, ga bisa full.

  1. I have no idea how to install the .mtz type files for MiLocker. I’ve tried to install them from MiLocker settings but didn’t found the proper actions.Then took them as separate file and i can only open them as Video/audio/text/image . Can you please send me on the right path for these? Thanks:)

  2. Yes but widgetlocker is only for sliders to unlock sms/phone/email etc… without icons or number of unread msg which not been able to add, only by another program that just gives text without design..

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